And away we go!

We are thrilled to be embarking on a collaboration that has been in the works for quite some time.

For the last several months, we have been talking about how we can collaborate together, professionally. Both of us, Ellie and Nicole, have a passion for yoga, Reiki, health, and wellness, and a desire to share that passion with the world. We  hope that we can help other people find the wholeness that we have found in this space.

Though we did have a good friendship before, over the last few months we have been delighted to discover that we have a good working relationship as well. We have a lot of ideas, plans, and new adventures that have already begun and we hope to be introducing those to you very soon!

It is with enormous excitement that we present Holding Space and ourselves "to the world" so to speak as a duo, a team, a partnership. One based on the wonderful realization that we fill in each other's weak spots, boost each other's strong points, and balance each other out in an effortless yin and yang. Ellie's attention to detail keeps Nicole from drowning in her chaos and Nicole's big picture approach helps pull Ellie out of the weeds. We don't know why the universe gave us this wonderful partnership, but she did, so we are listening.  


Open your heart