My first retreat

One fateful day in December 2015, I went to my regular Saturday morning class. Nicole was subbing. After a fantastic class, unlike any other class I had taken - she mentioned a retreat she was hosting that May on Cape Cod.

“Yoga retreats don’t have to cost as much as a mortgage payment or be in Bali,” she said.  

I liked her spunk + sense of humor, not to mention the way she taught. I asked for her card.

I looked into the retreat. Read Nicole’s blog and spent several weeks trying to convince a friend of mine to go with me. Didn’t know Nicole or anyone else who would be attending + I wasn’t the type of person to go away for the weekend without a security blanket. My friend wouldn’t commit but for someone reason, I couldn’t get this retreat out of my head. So I sent Nicole an email explaining my interest but also my hesitation in going alone. Didn’t want to be the odd man out. Of course, I got a thoughtful email back - I wasn’t the only one ‘going alone’ + she told me about her first retreat experience. That was it - I took the leap - I was in!

“I've never even been to the movies by myself but 2016 is my year for trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone - so I'M TOTALLY IN!” - direct quote from my email to Nicole.

Fast forward six months later, I packed my bag and headed down to Centerville. I was nervous but didn’t bail. When I got out of my car, I heard someone playing the ukulele. No joke. As soon as I walked in the door, I knew I’d made the right decision. The energy on retreat is palpable - it’s open, accepting and fun. Turns out, I actually knew a lot of people too. Before retreat they were acquaintances - now they are some of my dearest friends. During our opening circle we introduced ourselves + explained why we were there.

“Usually I’d have convinced myself to cancel but for some reason, I didn’t. So I guess that’s why I’m here.”

Beach yoga, delicious food, perfect weather, amazing conversation, instant connections - I could get used to this retreat thing. And I did.

The girl playing ukulele is now one of my best friends. My ‘yoga wife’ - we talk everyday.

To top it all off - without this retreat Nicole and I might not have made our connection. It was the beginning of a lot of beautiful things - Holding Space included.

Everyone’s experience at retreat is different. But if you don’t step outside your comfort zone + take the leap - you will never know what you might learn about yourself, your practice or what a weekend away can really do for you.


Embracing the drive.


Open your heart