September reset

Every year I take Back to School time as a reset, a time for newly sharpened pencils, boots to break in, goals to set, and things to discover. 

New Years resolutions have never stuck for me, they're forced and contrived. However, September resolutions, that's where it's at.

It's that re-grounding that happens when the weather starts to chill and you put the margarita down and assess where you're actually going. It's a time for reflection and a reminder that there are goals to be tackled. 

So I invite you as the weather cools down and the routine of school begins again to take some time to set your own goals. 

My personal method is one personal goal, one learning goal and one broad resolution.

This year, to declare it: My personal goal is to have my home a phone-free zone from the time the kids are off the bus until they are in bed. My learning goal is to brush up on my Spanish and use it more around the house so that my children can absorb it in a natural way. My broad resolution is to give my body more relaxation time, some yin yoga, or like a day on the couch, which I am frankly really really bad at doing, giving myself permission to slow down. 

Give it a try, let me know what you decide, declare your resolutions for this year out loud! Because when you say them, they become real, they sink into your bones. 

Here's to the school year! 




That guilt marketing....


Embracing the drive.